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Friday, September 03, 2010

21-day Green smoothie detox

In Only 21-Days You Can
Clean Your Body, Clear Your Mind,
and Feel Your Best Ever!


What your liver is going through right now:

If you've ever tried to clean the house with toddlers around, then you know exactly how your liver feels while you're constantly ingesting toxins. Whether toxins are coming from your food, your air, your water or your crabby attitude after a long day, it all registers as "toxins" to be processed by the liver. And if you're taking in more toxins than the liver can comfortably process, the whole body will feel it, and you'll start to experience a few of the side-effects we've just mentioned. Toxins are unavoidable, but giving your body the best chance possible to resist and remove them so you can restore your good health will go a long way to producing results like these ones:

If any of these conditions look familiar, then you are the perfect candidate for our 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox:

*Pale skin colour and poor skin tone
*Dark circles under the eyes (Finally! Now you know why and how to get rid of them!)
*Yellow-coated tongue (Eeeew.)
*Bitter taste in the mouth
*Irritability, moodiness, even anger (No use trying to blame it on him! It's your liver!)
*Premenstrual tension
*Inability to digest fats

Honestly, Hon, the list goes on and on and on.

Skin conditions, intestinal troubles, moodiness, hormone issues, you name it. Every single one of the conditions listed above is directly related to an excess of toxins in the body.

*Look and feel younger
*Have more energy and motivation
*Clearer, more positive thoughts
*Improved digestion and assimilation (no more gassy, bloated belly!)
*Better concentration and mental focus
*Calm and ease (aaaaah...)
*Increased resistance to illness
*Weight loss
*Finally stop unhealthy habits (say goodbye to late night eating and overeating)
*And increase productivity!

It's time to send your liver on a dream vacation while you sit back, simplify your food, and start feeling better than ever before! The season of education and self-improvement is here.
Are YOU ready for a change?!
